Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Human Downers

Ran into an old "friend" from the Transcript today, N., after picking up my check from A. Took the 101 bus over the 59th Bridge, and walked from East 58th down to West 20th. Well, N. really managed to piss me off in the space of about 5 minutes. It was just his condescending tone, which I'm actually used to by now. Everyone wants to give advice, nobody wants to help, you dig? Well, this guy took it a step further, dispensing useless borderline insulting crap disguised as advice, in his know it all way. This is a guy who really got my hopes up back in, oh, January or February. He works for a big publishing company, and if he didn't promise me a job, he did say things looked good, why didn't you call me sooner, yada yada yada. Now I run into him and he's telling me I should have health coverage, I should have a better resume, I should invest in a good suit, I should go to the Lynne Palmer agency, I should take a job in the mailroom, I should go on, I should dress better -- should should should.

Okay, last off, I was picking up my check today, I wasn't going on an interview, so corduroys and a short-sleeve button-down shirt and Rockports are fucking wholly appropriate: take the shit out of your ears, asshole. Excuse me, I wasn't aware of your keen perspicacity into all matters sartorial and your insight into our changing social mores. I guess I should ignore your rather large stomach overhanging your untucked, disheveled looking blue polo shirt. Good thing I ran into you, man, otherwise I would show up to my next job interview in fucking overalls and a straw hat. I should really be writing down your every word. Next, I used to write resumes for a living, you child you. And am I so isolated that you feel the need to tell me about something like nine months into my job search.

As for the suits, yes, I wish I had a fucking thousand-dollar suit, but as it goes I have two suits from Moe Ginsburg, one of them a Jones New York, you fairy you. And no, I cannot afford Cobra or any of the other health plans for the poor and underemployed. Should I spend my every waking moment bemoaning that fact; should I seal myself up in my apartment to lessen my exposure to germs? That guy really pissed me off. Obviously. To think he's a Cowboy fan. But the totally negative kind of fan who can never enjoy the team.

(I just lost part of this fucking post, the brilliant part.)

Since losing my job I've discovered there are two kinds of people, those who try to make you feel better when you're down, and those who somehow make you feel worse. Some people are just like human tuinals, as Lou Reed so aptly put it in New Sensations.

In other news, I worked a catering gig last night, a cocktail party for about 250 people. Someone was retiring from the school. We had a staff of around 15, and it went quickly. I have 3 or 4 gigs lined up thru next week, which is good. I also found out that S.C. has been calling for my services repeatedly, but the agency has not been able to match me up. Bad timing can be a bitch.

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